Originally sent Feb. 26
The all-LHS classes-invited Reunion set for April 18 at the Old Plantation in Medicine Park is shaping into an event!
I'm receiving cross mails from many planning to be here! So...hey, its for any & all classes but better let one of these gals know so enough space can be reserved:
Need to know NO LATER than April 4 if YOU plan to attend.
Geneva (Harris) McIntosh, '62 -
Wynn Ann (Moore) Wright -
****The Plantation (old hotel) at Medicine Park, Saturday April 18, 3:00pm!Lunch/dinner/food& drink, will be 'dutch treat' - off the regular menu, with 6-7 entrees priced at $9.95....****
Remembering a classmate:
"I am so sad that Stuart Tonemah passed without my getting to see him over these years. Quite a fascinating man and a talented educator as well as being a top high school football player. I remember we did call him "golden toes" Tonemah.
Carolyn Swinney" [class '58]
I appreciate Dean Henderson, class '57, who generously sent me thumb drive with pictures taken at their 50th back in 2007. As soon as time permits.....next few days I hope....I will upload and link on the blog!
'59 classmate Ed Adams was in town last week. He and his mom Gladys joined Bill & I for a Burgess burger! Great burger and fun visit talking about upcoming 50th this fall.
Also spied Janey and Jo Lynn munching a burger! Best burgers in town (my opinion).
Speaking of which......Class of '59 will meet TONIGHT Feb. 26, to coordinate searches for classmates. 7:00pm, Milo-Gordon Honda, ground floor lobby. ALL '59-ers needed and welcome!
If any are 'members' of the Military Brats Registry News, might be a good place to 'look' for those classmates who were of military families? <http://www.militarybrat.com>